Bilitis is a 1977 French romantic and erotic drama film, which was directed by photographer David Hamilton (1933-2016) with a music score by Francis Lai. It starred Patti D’Arbanville and Mona Kristensen as the title character Bilitis and Melissa, respectively.The film was loosely based on a poem cycle by Pierre Louÿs entitled The Songs of Bilitis set in ancient Greece, although the film is set in modern Europe. The poems were meant to be autobiographical poems by the title character.This soundtrack is amongst some of the most beautiful & moving music for film you will ever hear. For anyone who's a fan of Francis Lai's work, this CD is essential.
- Bilitis
- Promedae
- Les Deux Nudities
- Spring Time Ballet
- Larbre
- I Need A Man
- Melisa
- Le Campagne
- Scene Darmour
- Rainbow
- Bilitis